Be like a tree

This winter season here in TN has been most interesting. I've been especially interested in the severe wind storms that we've had. Some of the winds have been as strong as tornadoes and have caused almost as much damage. In watching weather reports and driving through neighborhoods I'm always amazed at how some trees remain standing while everything else around them has been blown to bits. I know that some trees fall because they are old and rotten; but there are many trees that are seemingly healthy and yet they topple beneath the wind's mighty force. It seems that the trees left standing are those that have strong roots that stay firm in the foundation yet pliable branches that know just how far to bend without breaking

In my own life, I have faced and am sure to face some rough storms. I hope I can be like the trees left standing. How do I do this? I think I've got to know who I am and have a firm belief system that grounds me. But I must also be flexible enough to roll with the punches or sway in the wind, if you will, without losing my hold on what's most important. 

We're all going to face some storms and we'll all have an opportunity to fall over causing damage to ourselves and others; but the question is will we fall or will we hold fast to our roots knowing that soon the storm will pass over?